Over the weekend we celebrated my Dad's 50th Birthday! I couldn't believe it's that time already!! It makes a person sit back and just try to figure out where the time went.
It was a good weekend though, he came up to Calgary and we had fun shopping, and playing Wii and eating big dinners. The best one was his birthday supper which he had on January 17th. Steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions, baked potatoes heaped with sour cream, bacon bits and cheese, garlic bread, ceasar salad, the works! An Alberta meal at it's finest. Then came the cake, complete with lemon icing (yum) and all 50 candles. Oh, AND a hidden ticket to the Calgary Flames game, for that night. Dad had been going on for months about how that is all he wanted to do for his 50th birthday, and I think had deep-down hopes that the reason he was in Calgary that weekend was because of the game. It was obvious he had given up hope though by the time supper was being made and we told him we were going to Flames Central (pub dedicated to the Flames) to watch the game. He was a good sport though, and really excited to at least be going there. That is, until he got part way through his piece of cake. That is, until he saw some plastic in his cake and unfolded the photocopied ticket. THEN, Flames Central was forgotten! I managed to capture the exact moment that he realized what was in his hands. It was priceless!!
So Happy Birthday Dad!! I know you had as much (ok, much more) fun at the game than I had!!!
Here's where he realizes he's holding a ticket for the Flames game:

At the game, in Section 106, Row 5 (you can even count the rows to the boards here):

We were so close, I tried getting some good pictures of some hits against the glass, oh well.
At least I got a good shot of Iginla.